Wayne's Story

Wayne Coton

I was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in October 2011 and initially given 2 to 4 years to live. You can imagine from that diagnosis I was shattered as were my family.

After 3 years of MND it was determined I had mainly upper motor neurone damage only, no real signs of lower motor neurone which causes your muscles to waste.

There was still the threat of not living too much longer but compared to the initial diagnosis, hope.

Throughout the 11 years I've been very positive and I'm really very self-motivated to keep my independence for as long as possible.

But I have needed help to stay focused. I am very lucky my wife Kim has been so supportive throughout my journey and we help each other to keep on the right track emotionally.

I have used many physios and was using the pool, while I was on a walker, for my physical activity until I realised it became a little more difficult. They have all helped in their own way.

I always look for more though and I found it in Neuro Connection. They focus on positivity, which was right up my alley, and every day I've come here it has always been so.

Nora is who treats me, and she is fantastic. She pushes me but safely and is always looking to improve my situation in which ever way possible.

I've been in a wheelchair for 8 years now and struggle with stiffness in the legs , arms, hands and ankles but through the last year, since joining Neuro Connection , I've definitely improved physically.

Part of the improvement is definitely related to the positive interaction between Nora and myself.

Every now and then you need a reboot to realise you can do many things you think you can’t do but get in a mental hole.

Neuro Connection gets you back on track to the point that you improve physically and mentally.

I owe you guys.