
Donate Image

Donate here to help empower people with neurological conditions to lead more independent lives!

The Neuro Connection Foundation is a not-for-profit incorporated society and charitable trust organisation. We continue to operate due to vital government funds, community grants, strong client numbers, fundraising initiatives and donations from members of the public.

New Zealand has an ageing population and volumes of stroke (one of the several conditions we care for) are on the rise. With an estimated 40% growth in volume over the next 10 years, and with an estimated 8-9,000 people having a stroke each year, the care we provide will become ever more important.

If you, or anyone you know, has been affected by stroke, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy or brain injury, consider donating today. All donations, big or small are gratefully received and will help empower people with neurological conditions to lead more independent lives.

Click here for a link to our Give A Little Page.

or deposit into our bank account, leaving 'Donation and Your Name' as a reference. Our bank details are as follows:

Neuro Connection Foundation - 01 1825 0007244 01

ANZ, Private Bag 92210, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142

Charity Commission Number: CC10037

All contributions are tax deductible. Please email if a receipt is required.

Please get in touch to discuss other donation options such as fundraising, a regular monthly contribution or even leaving us a gift in your will.

We thank you for making a difference to this vulnerable sector of the community!

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