James' Story


We would like to introduce you to our wonderful client James. We have loved helping him reach his goals over the years as well as seeing him back out there in the community helping others.

“Hi, my name is James and I had a stroke five years ago last March.
I’ve been attending physical rehab classes twice a week at NCF since November 2019 and I can’t speak highly enough about the programme. I used to have to be driven there and I had a four prong walking stick. But now I’m driving and don’t use a walking stick, but I do have it on hand just in case. In fact, I’ve just walked three km today!

After all these years, I continue to attend physical therapy because I want to maintain the gains I’ve made and know that if I stop, it gets harder again.
The therapy provides confidence. Every week you learn something new about your body and sometimes you feel that different parts are now starting to wake up and move.
You get to know people in your class and they’ve now become friends. There’s also a social coffee group run by a fellow stroke survivor every second Friday which is well worth going to.

When I first had my stroke, I had to give up my full time job at Air New Zealand as well as my volunteer role. Two years post stroke, I was able to re-start my volunteer role in which I provide social support for an adult with special needs in the community. At that time, we actually supported each other with navigating public transport.
Now, five years post stroke, I have gone back to work part time as a Support Person, this was an extension of my volunteer role and now that I am driving again, I’m able to transport my client to outings and help with more of their needs.

I believe that it is thanks to NCF for giving me confidence and the ability to move better that I returned to work part time. I would highly recommend Neuro Connection.”

It is thanks to operational grants from funders like Foundation North, that we are able to keep supporting clients like James on their physical rehabilitation journey.