Meet our new General Manager

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Nick Richmond2

Dear clients and friends, many of you have already noticed some good changes here at the centre early this March and that's because we have welcomed our new General Manager, Nick Richmond, to help us further in improving the quality of our services and to lead the direction of the foundation. Getting Nick on-board will also allow Inna to focus on leading the Conductive Education programmes for our existing and future clients.

Nick has an extensive background in IT and has rapidly moved into management roles within the Tertiary Education sector. His philosophy in the private education sector was always about, 'helping people achieve goals' and he believes that this translates directly to how we feel about our clients' success at gaining more movement and independence. For over 10 years, Nick have managed a variety of institutes, from IT to Maritime to Social work/Early Childhood Education. He graduated in 2014 with an MBA and prior to that gained the NZ Certificate in Adult Education.

From all of us at Neuro Connection, we warmly welcome you Nick!